IBM FileNet provides a strong platform for implementing enterprise content management and business process management solutions. From Image Manager to the P8 platform, Zing provides specialist expertise for delivering FileNet services including core component set-up and configuration, product-based solutions and bespoke solutions.
Services provided include:
Image Migration – provision of proven migration tools to enable the migration of content and metadata from non-FileNet repositories to a FileNet IS/CS or content engine repository or via a hybrid CFS solution
System Health Checks – undertake a detailed review of your FileNet deployment including reviewing current versions of FileNet and bespoke components and developing options for migration or performance improvement
Document capture – provision of bespoke services in the delivery, filenet_logoset up and configuration of IBM FileNet Capture Professional including auto-indexing
System development – from the implementation and enhancement of IBM FileNet components including the development of Capture paths for IBM FileNet Capture Professional, to the provision of bespoke developments such as bulk email capture and non-structured documents processing.